Elevate Maintenance Powder

Type: OTC

Elevate Vitamin E Powder is a supplemental source of natural vitamin E for horses. It is ideal when a gradual increase in circulating levels of vitamin E is required or when the vitamin E level needs to be maintained over a long period. Each 7-gram scoop contains 1000 IU of natural Vitamin E as d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate. Feed 1-5 scoops per 1000 lbs. body weight daily. Top-dress onto daily grain ration.

Elevate is appropriate for horses of all ages and breeds. In particular, supplementation of Vitamin E is essential for horses that do not have regular access to pasture since the vitamin E content of dried forages such as hay and hay cubes is diminished by about 75% upon harvesting and storage. Vitamin E supplementation is most critical for horses that are confined to stalls such as racehorses, show horses, sale horses, and convalescing horses.

Contents: 2lb Jar (26-130 day supply)